Makeover Central

Due to our wide variety of makeover types, we simply cannot post a complete list of makeovers.

Below are a few samples to give you a taste of the fabulousness that can be you!

1. The Partial Makeover:

Our professionals can transform plain Jane into beautiful belle! If you have no major
facial flaws but want a little more spice to your look, this is the makeover for you!

2. The Complete Makover:

Hey all you self-conscious, unbeautiful maidens! Want a complete transformation?
People will stop and stare!

3. The Meredith Makeover:

Targeted towards our younger clientele, this makeover will transform awkward teen
into supermodel diva! This makeover is a little less heavy-duty but still very glamorous.

4. The Rejuvinating Bubby Makeover:

Looking worn and tired out from your years? After this
makeover, you'll see yourself 20 years ago! Guaranteed!

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