Siblings Sharing Spaces- Solutions for Every Bedtime!
Different ages without a war
- When one kid has bedtime and the other has homework, sometimes the only thing you can do is separate them. The same goes if one has friends over and the other wants a quiet place to be.
- Putting one, if not both, desks outside the bedroom can help get things done without sibling distraction.
- Rather than boot the other sibling out, designate another part of the house as the 'friend hang out zone'. The closer to the fridge, the better!
- In general, it may be a really practical idea to save the bedrooms only for sleeping and dressing. If your kids are different ages, rather than giving them a huge room to chill and play, giving each group of kids a small bedroom and placing a large room or two to hang out and chill during awake hours can promote sleep, play, and socializing. (Check out the bonus page here.)
- If the kids are significantly different in age, personal space can become a big issue. Putting beds on opposite sides of the room, separating clothes storage and giving each child a place to securely store their personal belongings can all help. As with the gender neutral decor, giving a simple backdrop allows each child to decorate to their own taste without clashing. Curtains, light fixtures and rugs can all be picked not to blend in, but to tie opposing themes together. Think blue, green, and purple stripes to match purple polka dot linen to a lime and emerald star patterned comforter.
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