Here you can find various locations for the books you desire. If you do not find what you are lookig for in these links, contact me at litworld/ | -> Just in case you have never been on Amazon, you can search books here, and where you can get them, as a used copy or brand new, and it will tell you how much they are selling for. |
Indigo.Chapters -> This is basically the same as the previous link, but you may have more of a chance to find your desired book(s) at this site, but it won't tell you where you can get a used copy. |
Barnes and Noble -> This site I would say to be my favourite for these type of things, becasue it gives you the option to choose the subject, the award, or the age groups. But it doesn't give you exactly where it is- it just tells you that you can get it shipped to you. So, if you prefer that, then I recommend you use this site., if you already love everything else about this site. |