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This is were you contact us in order to understand how this works you have to begin by sigining up (you press on the sign up link).Now when you know what you want to do you have a choice of contacting menny diffrent teachers.bellow this you will find contact numbers choose who you would like to work with. if their is any celeberty at wich you want to work with please contact the main office we would like to take in your persinol ideas.

contacts numbers adresses
taylor swift 647 238 8910 13 falmingo road
justin bieber 416 771 3425 1 thornberry cirlcle
britney spears 647 332 2311 56 aronold dr.
drake 647 552 5467 546 flamingo road
lady gaga 647 329 2919 123 arnold dr.
riannah 416 803 9493 43 bevshire cricle
young money 416 534 2314 324 jenstar road
rebbeca black 416 771 8892 524 devils road
jeniffer lopaz 416 483 2939 234 prominade circle
katty perry 647 477 2818 12 calirfornia girls rd.
slena gomaz 647 288 2811 212 bathurst street
50 cent 416 929 5000 123 half a dollar dr.
shira the great 416 392 3959 213 millionares rd.
barbie 416 282 1919 2 love kent dr.