Indoor Activities
Outdoor Acitivities
- Store – Use monopoly money or make your own. Put a price tag on everything in your room, and let the other player “buy” it! Then go “buy” lunch at your very own “restaurant”!
- Red light green light - One person stands at a distance from everyone else. He calls out repeatedly “red light green light 1, 2, 3” and turns around. While he says this the other players try to reach him by walking a couple of steps. If anyone in moving when he turns around, they get send back to where they started from. Once someone reaches the person saying “red light green light” they switch places with him.
- Hide & seek - One person counts while the others hide. Whoever is found first has to count. To make it different, play sardines—everyone counts and one person hides. When a counter finds the hider, they join their hiding place. The first person to find the hider gets to hide. Don’t peek!!
- *Bowling - Take 5 cups and set them up in an arch like bowling pins. Get a bowl, stand back, and try to knock down the cups. Strike!
- Freeze dance - Put on your favorite song. Dance like crazy until the music pauses—then ‘freeze’ until the music plays again. If someone moves, they are “out”. The last person “in” gets a super prize, or to pick the next song!
- *Water duck duck goose - Sit in a circle. One person has a watering can/bottle etc filled with water. She goes around the circle, giving “ducks” a little drip of water. She picks a “goose”, and when she gets to her, she dumps the remaining water on her! Splash!
- Simon says – One person is the “Simon”. They give commands starting with the words “Simon says”, ie “Simon says bock like a chicken.” The others do whatever Simon says, unless Simon doesn’t say “Simon says”. If they do what he says then, they are out. Whoever stays “in” gets to be the next Simon. Have fun! (Simon said!)
- Advertisement - Pick a product, ie- footsie pajamas. Split into two groups and make an advertisement for the product- make it funny! Then the “judge” picks the best advertisement!
- Tag- Someone is “it”. He runs after the other players, and if he taps someone, they become “it”. Play melting tag- when you get tapped by “it” you must start to “melt”. Only when another player taps you can you stop melting, if you reach the ground before this, you are it. Play bridge tag- when you are tapped, you must stand with your legs open, and you may not move until another player crawls under your legs. Play secret tag- no one knows who’s “it”! 1, 2 ,3 not it!!